What are – Indices
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What are Indices

Types of Major Global Indices
Dow Jones (DJ 30), is made up of the 30 biggest industrial companies in the U.S.
S&P 500, It represents 500 companies from the U.S.
NASDAQ 100, measures the 100 major tech companies in the U.S.
DAX 30, it’s the German index. It includes the 30 leading German companies.
FTSE 100, groups the top 100 companies of the U.K.
CAC 40, represents the best 40 French companies.
NIKKEI 225, it’s the index from Japan. It contains the 225 biggest companies in the country.
How Do You Trade Forex
As indices are made up of groups of firms, there are a number of different factors that affect the price of the index. The price movement of an index is likely to be much smoother than other financial instruments, as one individual stock can’t bring about a huge rise in price. However, there is significant volatility in indices as they can reflect broad political and economic shifts.
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